Turning Bad to Good


In a recent Bible Study we were learning about Rachel, Esau and Jacob. We talked about the birthright that they stole from Esau and how easy he gave it up. We also talked about the fake hair put on Jacob’s arm so he could try to imitate his brother.

Yet God turned all this sin, brokenness, lying, cheating into good. God is just really amazing. One of the attendees said, “Isn’t it amazing how God used those kind of people to further His Kingdom and He still does that today with our kind of people.”

The Book of Romans tells that God turns bad into good, what a helper in life we can have. Some outside of the Church think we are haters and arrogant people but a Christian is one who knows He needs the Savior and he knows he is the Chief of Sinners. God Bless You and learn more in His Wonderful House that forgives hatred and arrogance, and whatever else you want to throw in there, all because He loves us needy people and don’t be foolish and exclude yourselves from being needy.