Two More Wins by the Prep Spartans in Games against Gering

A late rally in game #1 of a doubleheader versus Gering helped the Alliance Peltz Co Prep get off a strong start in contests played in Gering on Thursday night. The Spartans scored 9 runs in the top of the fourth and defeated Gering 10 to 2 in the first game of the twin bill. Alliance then ended their night with a 7 to 6 win in the finale to sweep the pair of games. In game one, Alliance had 11 hits. Spartan shortstop Israel Garcia collected 3 while Xander Narjes and Jackson Devlin ended with 2 each. Three Peltz Co Spartans took the mound: Teegan O’Gorman, Narjes and Eban Lore. They combines to give up just 5 hits while striking out 2.

Hits in the first inning by Devlin and Israel Garcia gave Alliance a chance in the top of the first but both runners were stranded. Gering then tallied 2 runs in the bottom a 2 run double. Both teams would not score in the second but an Alliance run in the third sliced the Gering lead to 1. A RBI single by Spartan Reese Muhr scored Garcia who had also singled. Three straight outs by Gering moved the game to the fourth and final inning with the Peltz Co down 2 to 1. With one out , Narjes singled and eventually stole home to tie the game at 2. Fletcher Moseman had a hit and would score on a Gering error.

Next up was Garcia who collected his 3rd hit. A walk by Muhr was followed by a hit by Jaden Garcia. The Gering defense then committed some costly error, pass balls, walks, and wild pitches that kept the Alliance rally intact. RBI hits followed by Devlin and Narjes as the Spartans would tally 9 fourth inning runs. The host fail to score in fourth and Alliance went on for the 10 to 2 win.

ALL 0 0 1 9 10

GER 2 0 0 0 2

Pitching for Alliance O’Gorman Narjes Lore hits for the Spartans 11 total 3 Israel Garcia 2 each Narjes Devlin one apiece Kyler Adams Jaden Garcia Moseman Muhr

Both team’s offense came out red hot in game 2. Alliance would put 3 runs on the board thanks to hits from O’Gorman and Devlin and a Gering error that gave Alliance an early 2 to 0 lead. Narjes then reached and scored the Spartans third run by racing home on a passed ball by the hosts. Gering came right back with a 3 spot of their own in the bottom of the inning, using 2 walks, an error by the Spartans, and a single to tie the game at 3 all. Lore started a Spartan rally in the top of the second with a lead off walk. After stealing second, Lore scored on a RBI groundout by Cooper Gallas. Following an out, O’Gorman had a hit and scored on a single by Narjes.

Gering failed to score in their at bat in the third as the game moved to the third with Alliance leading 5 to 3. The Spartans increased their lead in the third with 2 more tallies. Walks by Kyler Hamel and Preston Flores began the scoring. Both runners would then score on wild pitches by Gering to push the Peltz Co margin to 7 to 3.

Gering answered back with 3 runs in the bottom of the inning to slice the Spartan advantage to just 1 at 7 to 6 heading to the fifth and final frame. Both team’s defense would stiffen in the fifth as Alliance went on for 7 to 6 win.

ALL 3 2 2 0 0 7

GER 3 0 0 3 0 6

Pitching for Alliance Adams Jaden Garia Carsen Bunnell Moseman 4 total hits for the Spartans one each Narjes Devlin 2 hits O’Gorman