
Understanding is sure great. As a youngster I worked in a farm store and in the shop we would do tune ups. I never knew how to do points until one man was patient and kind showed me the fine art of installing them. Before that I ignored and just kind of pretended I knew.

After understanding how it all worked I just loved doing it. I love understanding how to do something on the computer even if it comes slowly and takes a lot of repetitions. How is my understanding of people? Probably not great.

When someone has an irritating behavior it is easy to get angry and upset sometimes. Sometimes one is covering up a social anxiety maybe? Sometimes humans cover up feelings of low self worth? It is wonderful when we can understand others so that we can pray instead of running away. God completely understands us even far far better than we understand ourselves. There is no buffaloing Him. But we get to confess it to Him and He helps us to become more real in all situations, all because He loves us and wants us to grow, and to grow in love for our fellow man. You will be glad you did and just maybe more joyful than you have ever been.