Ten little cups, ten pots of chili and a room full of testers were what it took to determine the winners at the VFW’s first ever chili cook-off.
On Saturday, 10 contestants vied for top billing in the Chili Cook-Off hosted at the VFW, which saw numerous people gathered to get a taste of award-winning chili.
Gaylene Jensen won first place for overall chili and Sonja won second place for having the spiciest. The categories judged were: appearance, taste, uniqueness and spiciness.
“For the first time, I think it came out pretty good” Lisa Buschow, volunteer, said of the outcome.

Brystal, Sonja’s daughter, who was the youngest taste tester there, replied, “I like F,” when asked if she had a favorite chili.
Following the taste testing by the judges, the VFW offered full bowls of chili with all the fixings to those gathered at the event. The event was deemed a success.