
Vol·​un·​teer | \ ˌvä-lən-ˈtir (noun):one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest.

While this may be one of Merriam-Webster’s definitions, East Point Horspice would like to add: giving of one’s self for the benefit of the horses and their riders; giver of huge smiles and warm hearts.

EPH has many opportunities available to enrich and grow personal skills. Through grooming and care, perhaps cleaning of stalls (sounds funny, but there is something mentally cathartic about cleaning stalls with all the horse, hay and outdoor smells wafting about), learning to train and use the horses in a therapeutic riding setting, or perhaps simply enjoying the sounds of horses munching on hay or taking advantage of the intrinsic eye candy horses provide.

Even if you have little previous horse experience, EPH provides training and knowledge to create a learning and safe environment.

EPH encourages people to seek out a volunteer position with not only the horses, but consider many of the local non-profits in Box Butte County who rely on the efforts and hidden talents of folks willing to unselfishly give of themselves.