Washington Report: Supporting Law Enforcement

Protecting and serving the public by enforcing our laws is a fundamental duty of American government. The post-pandemic rise in rates of violent crime in our nation has called attention to this responsibility and the important role law enforcement officers play in fulfilling it.

House Republicans have made a Commitment to America to ensure we have a nation that’s safe. An essential component of delivering on that commitment is reducing crime and promoting public safety through support for our law enforcement officers. Sadly, statistics from the National Fraternal Order of Police show through July, 226 officers have been shot in 2023. This is up 22 percent from the same period in 2021.

Law enforcement officers assume extreme risk each day, and we must do everything we can to ensure they have the necessary tools to jobs well and return home safely to their families. Because of this I am a cosponsor of several measures in the House to honor and reinforce support for those who safeguard our communities.

One of those measures, H. Res. 69 condemns calls to “defund,” “disband,” “dismantle,” or “abolish” the police. The resolution expresses recognition and appreciation for the brave and dedicated men and women who put their lives on the line to ensure we have safe communities, serve others, and prevent crime. Calls to cut law enforcement funding or personnel are dangerous, unproductive, and misguided. We should be working alongside law enforcement to make our communities stronger, not implementing policies that make their jobs more challenging.

I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 734, the Protect and Serve Act, which would impose criminal penalties for assaulting and causing injury to an officer in circumstances affecting interstate commerce. Each day officers do the dangerous work of ensuring those who travel and do business across state lines do not do so in fear. This bill would increase legal protection for those officers.

Additionally, those who work to secure our southern border are deserving of our thanks, particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. For this reason, I am a cosponsor of H.R. 412, a bill to name a post office in McAllen, TX, in honor of a U.S. Border Patrol agent who tragically lost his life in the line of duty. In December 2022, Raul Gonzalez Jr., suffered fatal injuries when his ATV crashed at high speed while in pursuit of individuals illegally crossing our southern border.

Furthermore, when action is taken by law enforcement to protect the most vulnerable among us, they should be supported, not prohibited from doing their job. H.R. 1650, the Police Officers Protecting Children Act, would codify protections for officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms, ensuring they are not subject to the federal prohibition on possessing and use of a firearm in a school zone.

Robust support for the courageous heroes who put themselves in harm’s way to protect Americans and maintain the rule of law is critical to ensure a nation that’s safe. I will always fight for the men and women in uniform who give so much to our communities.