We Need the Help of Others

Are you a snorer? How do you know if you are a snorer? I am a snorer but it took my wife awhile before she could convince me. I reckon I didn’t know it and I reckon I just kind of denied it. Finally ended up with a CPAP machine and feel better.

It took someone outside of myself to tell me that I was a snorer. In our spiritual lives we are all sinners not just a few but all. That is another area that we can resist and deny. We need the help of others, of God, of good friends to tell us that we are on the wrong page.

Can be painful, can leave us awestruck, but it will leave us free. Will leave us with clearer consciences and with a heart and mind that knows forgiveness and wants to help and love others more. Sin gave us all a life that can be very difficult to see ourselves but God loves us too much to leave us in that condition. There is great love in broken pride and real truth.

God wants to give that to you because He loves more than you’ll ever know!