What If?


Nebraska Republican Facebook users would STOP ripping on vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz?

His sister – who has been a very good friend of mine since 1988 – lives in Alliance and she doesn’t deserve the family abuse.

As one Omaha radio commentator has stated, since 1963, the only vice-presidents who have not been Washington’s fifth wheel have been Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford.

Nebraska is going to vote for Donald Trump.

Nebraska has not selected a Democrat to be its president since 1964.

Prior to that, it was for FDR in 1936.

The anti-Walz posts are meaningless and will not change anybody’s mind!

While I don’t agree with Tim’s political positions, and I will be voting for Trump/Vance, I remember Tim as a very friendly guy that was kind to me. He invited me to attend coaches’ parties at his home at Seventh and Emerson and treated me with great respect.

Tim did a lot for our kids at APS. He should be commended for his five years spent with our schools and not demonized for his post APS career.

Please consider Sandy’s wellbeing.

And remember, if the Harris/Walz ticket wins in November, it doesn’t change your relationship with your family, your friends, your job, or your Savior.

May God guide you in your future posts.


All the dead trees in Box Butte County could somehow be converted to fuel.

Have you ever cruised around are county roads?

I do so several times a week when I take my dogs on a country run.

There are dead trees everywhere!

I don’t have the answer as to how those trees could be used to heat homes, but there must be a way to do so. Especially those homeowners with wood burning stoves.


Every family is Box Butte County bought a year’s subscription to the Alliance Times-Herald and/or the Hemingford Ledger for a former resident.

Think of the boost for those two news outlets and an information tool that will help keep those who lived here at one time up to date on our activities.

Both papers did an outstanding job of covering the county fair. Especially the accomplishments of our 4-H and FFA kids.


Every month you donated money, time, or food to the Community Table program.

Fighting hunger should be something that every elephant and donkey should agree to agree with.


The Nebraska Cornhusker football team wins its season opener against UTEP this Saturday.

Believe it or not, if the Huskers do so, it will be the first time since August 31, 2019, when NU downed South Alabama, 35-21.

It was the only season opening win for Scott Frost during his NU coaching career.

Mike Riley won two and lost one.

Bo Pelini won seven in a row.

Bill Callahan won all four of his season openers.

Frank Solich won all six of his games.

Tom Osborne won 20, lost four and tied one.

Bob Devaney won nine and lost two.


We have a great autumn rooting for our local kids from the classroom to the gridiron.

The answers of all these what ifs are completely up to you!