What Kind of Car Would You Be?

What kind of car would you be if you was an automobile? A Mercedes, Cadillac, T-Bird, Antique, or maybe a rusty old Chevrolet?

In God’s plans we were all meant to be restored, back to showroom condition, shiny and new. Because of sin we don’t look so good, muddy and rusty, not firing on all 8, maybe some low tires. but a Christian looks and runs good in God’s eyes even if we can’t see it at all. He wants all to be restored and not spend their life in the bone pile rusting away.

God created you for performance, to give rides to others, to help carry groceries home, to get others to medical check ups.

Us Christians felt dirty, guilty, shameful, rusty, at one time and then the Love Of God entered our lives and we become restored, to live the life we were created to live. When we depart from God’s Ways we will feel dirty, rusty, and feel like we have four flat tires, but that isn’t God’s plans for you. You are precious and a bright light in a dark world and some day He will take us to Heaven where we will never need any maintenance again, all because He loves us!