When You are Suffering, Lean on God

Rejoice in your sufferings? Who ever heard of such a thing? I thought we were here to see how much fun we could have? How much money we could gather? How many friends we could get?

Well it is true, you know what they call a person who thinks God’s Words are not true.

I am sure glad for the sufferings I have had, sure made me embarrassed at times, made me feel shameful and less than. That embarrassment kept knocking down that sinful pride that I was born with until it didn’t hurt so much anymore.

After many blows to the head with a 2X4 I started leaning on someone else. I started to lean on God and not myself just like I was suppose to from the start.

That is when life got more real and meaningful, I could start loving instead of hating. I could feel forgiven and less guilty and shameful. Yes we humans can do a few things but in our spiritual lives we are helpless and hopeless without the Good Lord.

Rejoice in your sufferings today, rejoice and love that fellow man, all because you are loved mightily by the inventor of love.

Ecclesiastes says, “The heart of a wise man came from a house of suffering while the heart of a fool came from a house of pleasure.”