The Western Community College Area (WCCA) Board of Governors has received the resignation of Western Nebraska Community College President Dr. Carmen Simone. The WCCA Board will convene at its monthly meeting, Wednesday, June 16. Simone’s resignation will be on the agenda.
Simone, WNCC’s sixth president, offered her resignation on Friday, June 11, effective immediately.
“Dr. Carmen Simone has submitted her resignation as president of WNCC after serving in that position for the last 18 months,” WCCA Board Chair Lynne Klemke said. “WNCC thanks Dr. Simone for her service to the students and communities of the WNCC service area. The Board wishes Dr. Simone every success in her future endeavors.”
WNCC’s transition in leadership will also be discussed Wednesday. Dr. Grant Wilson, vice president of educational services, will serve as the College’s acting president until an interim is named.