Wrapping up Our State Contest

Well, just like that, we are done with our online state contest.

Our members once again found success. Shelby Carr, Jayce Meyring, and Ian Thompson received their State FFA degrees. Shelby Carr was third place state finalist in the Specialty Crop Production proficiency, and State Champion in her outdoor recreation proficiency.

Delaney Childers was a state runner-up individual in Junior Livestock Evaluation. Senior Livestock Judging, Wade Sanders was State CHampion Individual, Jayce Meyring fourth place individual, Jayda Meyring fifth place individual, and as a team, they were State Champions and will represent Nebraska at the National Convention this fall.

Ag mechanics consisting of Shelby Carr, Cord McBride, Wyatt Walker, and Ian Thompson placed third overall. As we wrap up this year we reflect on our accomplishments and lessons learned this year. We thank you for tuning in and reading about our accomplishments. Thank you!