You Get Out What You Put in

It’s only natural to consider, when giving of yourself to an endeavor, what’s in it for me? The answer at East Point Horspice is: “neigh, neigh, whinny, hee-haw!” Translated for us humans, “You get out what you put in.”

It is well documented the mental, physical and spiritual benefits which are derived from equine therapy. It doesn’t need to be a formal program to find improvement in your current state; simply being around the horses generates many opportunities to find the missing puzzle piece to your enlightened being. Until you have witnessed the intrinsic, almost mystical ability of horses to communicate with humans and offer exactly what humans need, at that moment, at the correct level of energy, it is hard to accurately describe.

Perhaps you just want a little physical exercise. Perhaps you are in a less than enthusiastic frame of mind. Perhaps you need to release some grief. Perhaps you just need a friend who will listen and be completely non-judgmental as you’ve never experienced. Equines can, and consistently do, deliver on all these levels. You are invited to experience what it is like when rescued horses rescue us at EPH. Contact us at or call 762-3848 today.