Young Again

I reckon some of us seniors wish our bodies were still 16 again.

Maybe less achy joints, maybe better eyesight, smaller waistlines, maybe more hair, maybe less disease and the like. Those things would probably be okay but there is something far better.

God does His wonderful work in a Christian’s life by taking away some of the things that we use to own. Hatred, gossip, arrogance, judging others, lust, greed, guilt, shame, love of vices, and whatever else you want to throw in there.

Our sinful nature is not good and it gives us a lot of things to deal with, a lot of bad things to carry around. Thank God and His grace that He takes them off of our weak backs.

Don’t ever die with all that junk on your back, God has something better for you. Repentance, forgiveness, love, hope, mercy, and the list goes on. He truly loves mankind and He came to save us from our troubles not to add to them, He does all this out of His pure love.

If you think God does not want to help you, you are thinking wrong my friend.