Jesus’ Love Will Guide You

While reading the account of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, I often wonder how they could disobey God when there was only one restriction – don’t eat the fruit on the tree in the middle of the garden. How could they obey Satan as a serpent, when God was the right choice? Why didn’t love for God make disobedience unthinkable? Read the story in Genesis chapters 1-3.

Is there any application from that story for us today? John 14:15, says: “If you love me (Jesus) you will obey what I command you.” Yet we walk in disobedience as Adam and Eve, usually with an excuse like their excuse. We make up the rules of living as they did. We recognize God’s love, but love our own thinking more. God provides the best pasture for our earthly journey. He gives the best care available. And, heaven is even better.

So, Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33, come into our life: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Read verses 25-32.) After all, the Good Shepherd will not mislead you.