Alliance FFA

Although the Alliance FFA chapter can be very focused and competitive when it comes to competitions and tests, we still love to create a high-energy and fun atmosphere that assures members to have an enjoyable time on all FFA ventures. From working together on projects to group karaoke on bus trips, Alliance FFA has played a large part in creating not only lifelong skills, but also friendships and connections that will last a lifetime, too. Last semester, one of our chapter’s biggest events was our new fundraiser, the Blue and Gold Gala. At this gala, there was a Prime Rib dinner, a silent auction, and a dance for the community to come and enjoy. Members decorated and helped prepare the dinner, made things such as metal signs and wood projects for the silent auction, and then were able to enjoy the live band and dance at the end of the night. The Blue and Gold Gala raised over $22,000 for the Alliance FFA, some of which will go towards State Convention chapter expenses in a few weeks, as we take over 25 qualified members to compete at State. Our chapter also participated in several other activities last semester. To start off the year, Alliance FFA hosted a goat roping at the county fair to raise money for a memorial scholarship in honor of a former officer that passed away the fall before. We then held a BBQ at the beginning of the school year, where we welcomed any new members into the chapter and had a BBQ and game night together. The chapter also went on a career-day trip, where we split into groups and went on different tours of local agricultural businesses. In addition, multiple members competed in Range Judging, a Westco Field Day, a local animal clinic tour, and P2C, a careers conference hosted for FFA members. The chapter’s first state qualifications were at our district’s fall LDE competition, where members qualified in Employment Skills, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, National Resources Speaking, Cooperative Speaking, Creed Speaking, and Extemp. Speaking. The Alliance FFA also competed in multiple spring CDE competitions this winter, where teams qualified in Livestock Management, Ag Sales, Floriculture, Ag Mechanics, Farm/Agribusiness Management, and Envirothon. It has been a very successful year for the Alliance FFA chapter, and we hope to continue the success as preparation for the next competition continues, where teams will compete in Livestock Judging, Meats Judging, Agronomy, Biotechnology, and Nursery Landscape. The Alliance FFA chapter strives to help its members grow into strong leaders and successful components in the agricultural community of today’s world. Our chapter hopes to continue growing and representing agriculture through members of Alliance High School.