Administration: • Will be meeting with FEMA representatives on October 28th to fill out paperwork associated with the storms of July 9 & 10,
Shaun Friedrichsen, Co-Publisher
When God used the apostle Peter to write to Christians, He wrote, “Grace and Peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God
Two-Vehicle Wreck Leaves Three Injured
A wreck on Oct. 12 left three people with injuries and limited traffic on Highway 385 south of Alliance near Rock Road. According to
Accident Claims Teen’s Life
An accident claimed the life of a teenager on Oct. 7. Deputy J.D. Sutphen with the Box Butte County Sheriff’s Office said they received
Overcoming Obstacles
Hitting your target can sometimes require practice and most likely involve overcoming obstacles you never anticipated. Since being recognized as a 501 (C) 3
The Word of God
Years ago I was approached by a group of people who attended where I was the minister. They said I would please them and
Equine Ray Hunts
As a founding father in the natural horsemanship movement, Ray Hunt was attributed with the quote, “The horse knows. He knows if you know,
Reflections for the Week of Oct. 11-15
Police: • Dispatch center transitioned to P25 radio system on Tuesday which went extremely well with no noticeable interruptions in service. • Officers unveiled
Alliance Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day
On Monday, people gathered at the fountain in Alliance to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day with songs and solidarity. Erica Sanchez, one of the event
Shelmadine Inducted into UNK Hall of Fame
Lannie Shelmadine, of Alliance, was one of five former student athletes inducted into the University of Nebraska at Kearney Hall of Fame. The induction