BBGH Advises Patients May Receive Two Bills

It’s often the case that when there’s a change (to a system, to a process, to a product, etc.), there’s going to be at least one challenge. The change to a new electronic health records system (MEDITECH) at Box Butte General Hospital has been no exception.

While MEDITECH is running smoothly overall, there have been challenges with the workflow between MEDITECH and BBGH staff for patient statements. Chief Financial Officer Michael O’Dell said, “Patients may receive two bills if they have a balance prior to April and were seen after April 30th. One statement is from the old Centriq system and one is from the new MEDITECH system, but both will need paid. For those patients with no balance prior to April and seen after May 1st, only one statement will be received.” The insurance amount on MEDITECH statements was found to be incorrect; however, the amount owed by the patient is correct.

O’Dell responded to these challenges with his team’s solution, “One hundred percent of patient statements will be reviewed for accuracy before being mailed. We’re working to amend these issues with MEDITECH, Inovolan, and our teams. But it’s important for patients to know that if their bill is delayed by a couple months, we will not be sending them to collections at this time.”

If you have questions or concerns about your bill (or bills) from Box Butte General Hospital, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Financial Counselors Rob or Elena at 308-761-1008 or 308-761-1020.