BBGH Encourages People to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

Box Butte General Hospital has postponed elective surgeries and non-essential procedures for the period of two weeks. The decision was based off Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services guidelines and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts recommendations; this is best for the safety of the physicians, staff, and valued patients. Hospital personnel will contact all patients impacted and re-evaluate at the end of next week to extend postponements as necessary.

Visitor and patient screening will remain the first step in accessing services at Box Butte General Hospital, unless there is a medical emergency. If visiting on continuous days, the screening applies each day.

The importance of staying mentally well is crucial during the period of social distancing. Here are some tips for your emotional health as well as your physical health:

*Take care of yourself by meditating for 10 minutes each day, go for a walk, keep a food journal and plan for ways to eat healthier, and get 7- 9 hours of sleep.

*Check in with others while maintaining social distance. Use technology to stay connected with people in your life. Call a loved one, family member, or friend to check in on them and let them know you care. Write a letter to a loved one. Take time to connect with an old friend via phone or email.

*Engage and connect wisely by using a video chat app and “join” them for games or dinner. Be mindful of screen time habits and use social media to follow positive people and messages.

*Revisit happy memories and create an online photo album to share with friends and family. Use websites to learn a new hobby.

*Take time to relax and enjoy time with family. Read a book you have been meaning to read.

*Gather the family for a movie night. Or if you find it relaxing, tackle that junk drawer, closet, or pantry.

Box Butte General Hospital encourages you to take care of yourself and your loved ones in all

aspects of wellness.