Big Cardboard At Todd’s

The largest cardboard boxes on the Keep Alliance Beautiful route come from Todd’s Body and Frame. Several of these pieces make up an entire load.

Jim Todd runs the local family business that has been in operation since 1956. He said the recycling is, “Mostly to contain the garbage overflow and reduce our need for trees and products needed for cardboard, plastic and glass.” They have a storage building to contain the cardboard.

Todd’s donates aluminum cans to the Church of God and recycles damaged or discarded parts. KAB is working to pick up plastic bumpers. Todd said they don’t advertise their recycling. “Employees are willing to take the time to separate recyclable products,” he said.

He does not see an advantage over businesses. “Gives me piece of mind we’re not putting this into the dump,” Todd said. “(We try to) save our dump as best as we can.”

Having the cardboard picked up benefits Todd as he does not have to deliver the large pieces to KAB. “We know it’s being recycled or disposed of properly,” he said.

“Most of our stuff is recyclable,” Todd said. “We have all of our office paper shredded. Some plastics I’d like to see more of (being recycled). A lot of that gets thrown into the trash. I understand there are a lot of plastics, not all are recyclable. . . . we are always willing to recycle products that are recyclable.”

As far as other green practices, the business is transitioning to waterbased paint that will help with the quality of the air. Any used steel or aluminum parts are recycled.

The size of the boxes is because they contain sheet metal body parts such as roofs, hoods and trunks.

“We thank KAB for taking care of our cardboard and plastics,” Todd said.