Crawford’s Tollman Announced as State FFA Vice President

Seven FFA members were announced to the 2024-2025 Nebraska State Officer Team at the final session of the 96th Nebraska FFA Convention.

The 2024-2025 Nebraska State Officers are:

State President – Reagan Choat, Plainview

State Secretary – Brynn Almgren, Stuart

State Vice President – Peyton Hinrichs, Meridian

State Vice President – Alexa Tollman, Crawford

State Vice President – Claire Woeppel, Chambers

State Vice President – Calie Cockburn, Emerson-Hubbard

State Vice President – Trey Stewart, Wisner-Pilger

The State FFA Officer Team is selected through a multi-day application and interview process. The new state officer team will spend the next year traveling across Nebraska, different parts of the country, and even internationally to promote the agriculture industry, agriculture education, and FFA. They will host leadership workshops for FFA members, assist with FFA contests, visit FFA Chapters, go on agriculture industry tours, and much more.