Going through Changes

How many changes does one undertake in a lifetime? We go from childhood to adulthood, from being driven to drivers, and from being dependent to independent.

Our eyesight, hearing, and hair color will change some in time. No doubt many changes come in one’s earthly life. There is one thing about mankind that never changes and that is one’s heart. Man’s heart is still the same as the days of the past, like for instance days of the Roman Empire where a Sunday afternoon might be spent watching gladiators killing one another.

It is so ironic to the rational mind that we all could have it made, the whole world could have it made, if we could just drop to our knees every rifle on earth could be dropped to the ground. Man’s heart is so filled with self-centeredness and evil that it just can’t do it.

We all would like a world like that but I guess it isn’t meant to be. God has never changed either. He has been in the business of changing mankind’s heart since Day One and He will always continue to do so, all because God’s love is stronger than that strong evil in mankind’s heart.

You are truly blessed if you are one that bends down on your knees and if you haven’t it is not too late to do so all because of His Amazing Grace for you and I.