Help With Utility Bills

Brrr! It has been so cold in December! We’ve all used more electricity and gas, and with inflation, we have to expect our utility bills to be much higher this winter. Remember that low-income families who have trouble making their utility payments can get help!

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has an energy assistance program called LIHEAP, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. LIHEAP helps low-income households (150% of federal poverty level) stay safe and healthy by providing financial assistance to offset the costs of heating and cooling. LIHEAP particularly helps households that pay a high portion of household income for home energy to meet immediate home energy needs.

The LIHEAP Program provides heating assistance, cooling assistance, year-round crisis assistance, emergency furnace repair and replacement, fan program and weatherization services for eligible Nebraska citizens/households. LIHEAP in Nebraska is solely funded through a federal grant.

In order to align with the receipt of Federal funds, DHHS began issuing LIHEAP automatic heating payments on behalf of eligible households during the week of December 5th, 2022. Eligible Nebraskans received a notice at that time. If you currently have a shut-off notice or are in danger of receiving a shut-off notice from your heating provider, please call (800) 383-4278 for assistance.

The next place to contact is the local office of Northwest Community Action Partnership (NCAP). NCAP has offices in Chadron, Rushville, and Alliance. For emergency assistance in Box Butte County, phone 308-762-4960 and leave a voice mail. Realize there may be a backlog of clients, and it does take several days to process an application.

To receive assistance, a person would have to complete an application and verify their income. NCAP can then provide vouchers from the City of Alliance Neighbors Helping Neighbors utility assistance fund or from the Salvation Army and HeatShare for Black Hills Energy bills.

The City of Alliance established Neighbors Helping Neighbors to provide assistance to residents with delinquent bills, subject to disconnect. City utility customers can contribute to the program with donations or voluntary bill round-up. The funds are administered by NCAP.

Black Hills Energy works with NCAP and the Salvation Army to provide emergency heating assistance to those unable to pay their company’s natural gas bill through a program called HeatShare. HeatShare is funded by the charitable giving arm of Black Hills Energy, its employees, and their customers. Vouchers are based on household income and can be used to help pay Black Hills Energy utility bills if the client faces a disconnect or needs help to repair or replace a gas furnace, while staying under the limit of $750 a year.

Besides utility assistance, NCAP can also provide rental assistance, motel room vouchers, prescription assistance, and gas for medical appointments.

Finally, the Alliance Christian Ministerial Association is able to provide $75 in assistance once every six months for utilities. The Hemingford Ministerial Association will pay a utility bill once a year as a last resort.