Let Your Light Shine

I was with my little sweetheart at the park yesterday. We was swinging away when a little girl came along and tackled the monkey bars in a breeze. I told her, “Good Job,” My little girl didn’t like me doing that and said, “Don’t say that grandpa and you love her more than me.”

You can see the emotion of envy had hit her like it does us all at one time or another. But it is more than that the real reason behind it is that we live in a fallen world and satan just loves to cause division and he even does it on our little children. I talked to her awhile about what happened and then she started singing, “This little light of my mine, I’m going to let it shine, don’t let satan blow it out.” Then I told her, “that satan was trying to blow out your wonderful little light.”

Christ came at Christmas to give us light and also gave us a Helper, The Holy Spirit, so that we can overcome when satan tries to blow our light out and ruin our day. He may even visit you more often when you depend on Jesus as your Light in this dark world but He is defeated. God loves you, let your little light shine, it is more wonderful than you think.