Are our lives a little bit like jars? When we come out of the womb are we waiting to be filled with things? If we fill those jars with good things will that mean a perfect ending? If the jar gets filled with bad things from our upbringing are we done for? Of course we all believe in good upbringing even though in an imperfect world it does not always happen.
I also believe there are people who are non-Christian who have good values and do good things. Even though our lives might be a little bit like an empty jar waiting to be filled, the one we are born with is not the right kind of jar, it cannot be penetrated with the Spirit Of God, it is born in sin and needs to be destroyed no matter what it is full of. We cannot call Jesus Christ our Savior without the Spirit Of God within us. In the Word of God and in His Baptism we receive a new jar, a new vessel that is now able to be filled with the things of God. On our own we will try and try to fill those old jars with good things, good deeds, etc., but to no avail.
We will try drown out the old sin and try and become good people but with no results whatsoever. Our short lives on this earth were meant to be filled with the Word Of God so that we can receive eternal life, a life of love here. a life of forgiveness, a life of meaning, hope, all because He loves us dearly and does not want us to suffer needlessly!