Riding Season Approaches

Like a thundering herd of horses coming in from the pasture, the East Point Horspice therapeutic riding season is fast approaching. The volunteer orientation is scheduled for Thursday May 6th at 5:30 in the EPH Memorial Volunteer Center located east of Alliance at 2511 East Point Acres. Therapy riding will begin the following week on Thursday May 13th at 5:30.

The EPH slogan of “Where people and horses come together” is truly where the rubber meets the road. This program has been allowed to expand because of the incredibly generous efforts of our volunteers who bring their positive energy and memory-making commitment every week for the benefit of the riders. To start the season, the volunteer orientation evening will allow people to get familiar with the facilities and be reintroduced to the horses after a long, cold winter. We will discuss techniques and procedures to create a safe riding environment including use of the rider lift system on the loading ramp, horse haltering and preparation for the arrival of riders, safe horse handling tips to lessen the possibility of getting toes stepped on and overall expectations of horse treatment to increase safety and enjoyment for the volunteers, riders and horses alike. The horses that are deemed suitable for use in the program have gone through extensive evaluation by EPH certified trainers; we recognize that not all horses fit the model of a safe therapeutic riding horse so the horses that are, shall we say, built for speed or prefer to get a little rowdy, are obliged to watch the program from the corral gate. With more training and a seasoned disposition, perhaps they too will find themselves under a therapy rider someday.

EPH is always looking for volunteers for the riding program and horse care/training. Even people with little to no experience have joined the program and through training and exposure have increased their horse knowledge and comfort levels to a point where they are able to help recruit and train new volunteers. As with any endeavor, frustration begins where knowledge ends. That is why EPH commits time, money and energy to continually training our volunteers. Training may include weekend workshops put on by Charlene here at the facility allowing people a few extra hours of hands-on horse play in a structured learning environment. It sometimes includes off-site multiple day conferences put on by professional trainers where volunteers attend then return to Horspice to share their new-found ideas and lessons with the rest of the crew. Whether a person’s forte is working directly with horses, or if you’re more suited to assisting riders, EPH welcomes all interested parties to share their personal passions and skills for the benefit of the horses and the riders.

For further information and to join the rewarding fun this summer, contact EPH at (308) 762-3848, eph@bbc.net or check out www.eastpointhorspice.com. EPH is also active on Facebook. Help make a difference in someone’s life; the life you change may be your own.