Speed Decries Harm to Children

Enclosed indoors for hours, students’ eyes weaken. Don’t we get the instruction to stop every 20 minutes and look 20 feet away for 20 seconds? Haven’t we been reading, for about a decade, about Vitamin D being so useful for our immune systems; and haven’t we known, for 150 years or more, that sunshine kills disease organisms? Somewhere, between my mother’s day (when children were kept at home-to develop sensory integration and learn language, humor, manners, and general family chores-until at least age 8) and the early 1970’s (when Occupational Therapist A. Jean Ayers compiled lots of neurological-development studies, into her book Sensory Integration and the Child) … the Western culture has lost itself.

Actually, we started losing our culture as our State and Federal Representatives sent their paid-duties to the unelected officials of the bureaucracies that these “representatives” created—created in the early 1900’s, if not sooner. Our nation is the ONLY one on this planet that pays debt-type interest on its own money! We could simply close our account with the “Federal” bank, which our “representatives” set-up, and tell those CEO’s and employees that we have paid them huge salaries and tons of interest-enough for the whole planet to be wealthy-and, thereby, just drop most of our debt immediately.

The Federal government bonds held by other nations-well, we can pay them back their principle-or not- and get rid of those debts, too! As a nation, we have sent aid to many nationas that hold some bonds of some sort from us; so they are actually repaid and reimbursed already. China has robbed a LOT of our intellectual property and made tons of money from that, so why let them own stock in our nation through bonds? Just kick all of that to the curb! U.S.A. citizens holding national bonds have some legitimate claims, especially on the principle.

So, culturally, we are not the weak, immorally-lavish, pitiful ones that so many “leaders” want to call us! We, however, have done our children a LOT of harm by not abiding by the wisdom that generations and many other cultures take as evident truth: Let children be children.

Ayers, in her book, says what many cultures around this planet have retained: Let children be within sight of their mothers for the first five years of their lives. Were this acknowledged, we would not have SO MANY people just having children because it SEEMS to be the thing to do and the schools will raise them for the families, anyway. Wellll!! Twice in the Old Testament, The Creator told some people to have children to replenish this planet: 1) when there were two people after Lucifer had become Satan and took a lot of the angels from the presence of God, and 2) once when Noah and his three sons, and the four wives among them, got off Noah’s ark. Once, people were denigrated for just going-along, and marrying, and living life as-usual: while Noah was building his ark. Doesn’t the Bible say that that time will come again—people just going-along with life as it has developed/degenerated, as in the days of Noah? -Luke 17:26, and in Matthew 24:37, too.

Moms have the milk. Most societies let the child have access to the breast for five years—less frequently after age three. They still are babies and not to be included yet as the children that the Bible says to bop them on the butt to get their attention, at times. Only adults are to be actually punished—and then only in front of a judge and publicly punished. I don’t begrudge women having a child. A LOT of children seem unwise nowadays.

—Mary Jo Speed
