Spring Activities Lie Ahead

As we end March and spring into the month of April this gets to be a busy time of year!

We have started multiple state contests and will finish up in the next couple of weeks. Some of our students that are active in the FFA program are also active in the 4-H program, these kids (including myself) will be getting/purchasing their Sheep, Goats, and Pigs in the next few weeks.

Most of the youth already have their cattle. Weigh-ins for these animals will be in May, these weigh-ins are to see where your animals start out and give you an idea of what your animals should weigh at fair. Also, towards the end of May progress shows will be starting.

There will be many of these throughout the surrounding counties. Progress Shows give the youth opportunities to get their animals out and have fun showing before the county fair.

Last but not least I would like to thank everyone for coming out to support the 4-H program on Monday as we had our annual 4-H fundraiser this year. It looked a little different but we hope to return to normal next year. In the next couple weeks I will have results from our state contest so stay tuned.