All Saints Day

November First is All Saints Day. The Church has set that day aside so we can remember all the Saints who have moved on into Eternal Life. Who is a Saint anyway? What do Saints do? Are they better people than you and I? Where they all born with perfect personalities?

I am no preacher but I think the word Saint confuses some? When God looks at a believer He calls them Saints, in other words everyone who believes and trusts in God as their Savior is a Saint. Now you might get a worldly laugh from someone if you tell them you are a Saint but who is going to be the final judge.? Besides I don’t think a real Saint is looking for any kind of recognition, one just keeps on trusting in the Lord. Can one be a Saint if one is possesses a nasty personality? Maybe one grew up around someone who beat them, slandered them, or even abandoned them? Can one be a Saint if drugs or alcohol have lead them down the wrong road?

Yes, yes, and yes, being a Saint has nothing to do with who we are, where we have been, but it is all to do with believing what God has done for us. A Saint will even be tempted and fail but nonetheless one is still a Saint. That young mother raising four little children and changing diapers and rearing them in a godly way is just as much of a Saint as there will ever be.

That poor old shut in that never has any company who reads the Word and prays for others is just as much a Saint as there will ever be. This life just plain and simple and contrary to public thinking isn’t about us, what we know and can do, it is all about knowing what God has done for us.

You are a Saint all because God loves you and you are trusting Him for all things! The real truth my friend is that we are Saint and Sinner all in one and that is okay because God is with us, Hallelujah!