Strong in Faith

The book, “Radical,” by David Platt gives an account of Christians in Asia meeting to worship and encourage each other. They met in secret knowing that church meetings were illegal. If they were found meeting they could lose possessions, jobs and perhaps be jailed. Even so, they continued to worship and encourage. As I read these accounts I realized how strong in faith these Christians are. I also considered my own faith if I were under the same conditions.

The apostle Paul, writing for God, wrote, “For Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died” (II Corinthians 5:14 – NIV). The words which stood out for me were “compels” and “convinced.” What compels me, you? What do we want to accomplish in the coming days? How important is Christ and His love? Could we be compelled as those Asian Christians to meet and encourage each other, even if it could cost us possessions or prison time?

The second word, “convinced,” carries those same convictions. Are we convinced that Jesus is the Son of God, convinced that Jesus died for our sins, convinced that Jesus was resurrected? Does it make a difference in the way we live?

Examine your life. What compels you as you live this life? What are your convictions concerning Jesus? Those two words can change your life.