Student Loan Debt Repayment Assistance for Mental Health Professionals in Rural Nebraska

Mental health professionals in rural Nebraska can now qualify for repayment assistance for their entire student loan debt.

The Nebraska Loan Repayment Program – Nebraska Legislative Bill, LB 50 – provides up to complete repayment of student loans for qualified mental health professionals who agree to work in rural and underserved communities in designated shortage areas for at least five years. They must work at least 50 percent of the time with individuals on probation or parole. State employees are prohibited from participating. A local match is required.

Incentive programs are an important tool to recruit and retain medical providers in needed areas. According to studies on the economic impact of rural health care, one primary care physician in a rural community creates 23 jobs annually. On average, 14 percent of total employment in rural communities is attributed to the healthcare sector. In small towns and rural areas, approximately 40 percent of family medicine providers have participated in incentive programs. Rural health incentive programs currently impact more than 900,000 people living in Nebraska. For more information on economic impact, review the Nebraska Rural Health Advisory’s Annual 2022 Report.

The two other programs remain available as well: the Nebraska Loan Repayment Program and the National Health Service Corps Nebraska State Loan Repayment Program.

The Nebraska Loan Repayment Program offers loan repayment assistance for primary care, mental, dental, and certain allied health professionals who agree to practice for three years in a state-designated shortage area in Nebraska. Doctors and dentists are eligible for up to $180,000 in loan relief, while other medical professions are eligible for up to $90,000. Those who have previously participated in the state program for less than this maximum amount are able to apply for a second award. A local match is required.

The National Health Service Corps Nebraska State Loan Repayment Program offers loan repayment assistance for primary care, dental, and mental health professionals who agree to practice for a minimum of two years at a National Health Service Corps site in Nebraska. The length of participation is capped at four years and providers cannot apply for another award after reaching the four-year maximum. Awards are also available for pharmacists and registered nurses who have bachelor’s level training. Doctors, dentists, and pharmacists are eligible for up to $50 thousand in loan relief per year, while other medical professions are eligible for up to $25 thousand per year. A local match is required but may be waived for registered nurses and mental health professionals depending on funding availability.

Applicants must have employment secured at a site in a qualifying shortage area before applying.