A couple decades back or so there were little elastic wrist bands that had WWJD engraved on them. That would be kind of a reminder stating What Would Jesus Do.

I really don’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I wouldn’t like to think of it as a bad thing. In reality though I don’t think our natural sinful nature minds would know what Jesus would do. We would have to have the Spirit of God in us to know Jesus.

I think the Spirit is the best reminder and quickest to really know how to live this life and even when we have the Spirit we still live and love imperfectly. Without the Spirit we would be trapped and doomed in sin but thanks be to God we are saved from that old sinful nature in which the birth canal has never let anyone escape from.

Those who live by the sinful nature fulfill the desires of the sinful nature, those who live by the Spirit fulfill the desires of the Spirit. We are free to love, serve, and forgive, we are worthy all because He loves us and does all this and more for us weak human beings.