PSWGA Competes in Bayard

The Panhandle Senior Women’s Golf Association played a round on August 15th at Chimney Rock Golf Course in Bayard. Twenty-nine women enjoyed 18 holes of golf on the nicely manicured course.

Taking first place with a score of 75/61.96 net was Jane Faber, Suzy Ernest and Claudia Benda. Second place with a score of 77/62.41 was Sue Williams, Londa Maron, Joy Eberhardt and Norma Perkins. Taking third place with a score of 79/65.05 net was Terry Espinoza, Kris DeVries, Jane Holechek and Patty Schaneman.

Flag prizes were awarded as follows: Longest Drive “A” Player – Sue Williams, Longest Drive “B” Player – Terry Grosz, Longest Drive “C” Player – Joy Eberhardt and Longest Drive “D” Player – Norma Perkins. Londa Maron and Chris Lapaseotes won Longest Putt flags. Gail Magers and Marsha Neifert won Closest Tee Shot flags. Jane Holechek was Closest to the Pin on 2nd Shot at Hole #8 and Jane Faber was Closest to the Pin on the 3rd Shot at Hole #1.